Be More Pirate

You don’t have to wear an eyepatch to be a pirate. But it doesn’t hurt to borrow some of their spirit.

Be More Pirate by Sam Conniff Allende is not just a great book for the rebellious sailor in all of us. It’s a call to action. It’s a fun, irreverent, and surprisingly thought-provoking guide to breaking rules, rewriting norms, and taking the helm of your own life.

For liveaboards, whose lifestyle already bends the rules of convention, this book resonates deeply. It’s an invitation to not just live differently, but to do so with purpose, bravery, and a touch of pirate swagger.

Here are the key themes of Be More Pirate that liveaboards can embrace to inspire their own bold, adventurous lives.

1. Rebellion and Reinvention: Chart Your Own Course

Pirates didn’t play by society’s rules. They created their own. From writing their own codes to challenging oppressive systems, they lived life on their own terms. For liveaboards, this theme is a reminder that choosing an unconventional lifestyle isn’t just about leaving the land behind; it’s about redefining success, freedom, and adventure on your own terms.

  • Question Norms: Just because most people settle on land doesn’t mean you have to. Sail into the unknown and build a life that feels true to you.
  • Reimagine Success: What does "making it" mean to you? Is it a beautiful anchorage, financial independence, or the thrill of a new horizon? Define it for yourself.

2. Community and Collaboration: Strength in Numbers

Contrary to the image of pirates as lone wolves, they were masters of teamwork. Pirate crews operated democratically, shared their spoils equitably, and relied on each other to survive. For liveaboards, who often thrive in tight-knit marina or cruising communities, this theme hits home.

  • Support Your Crew: Whether it’s fellow sailors, family, or friends, lean into your community. Share resources, lend a hand, and celebrate each other’s victories.
  • Create a Code: If you’re sailing with others, establish clear agreements about roles, responsibilities, and shared goals... just like pirates did.

3. Bravery and Risk-Taking: Sail Into the Unknown

Pirates were nothing if not bold. They took risks, faced down fears, and ventured into uncharted waters. Living aboard a boat, with all its uncertainties and challenges, is itself an act of bravery. But how often do we actively push our boundaries?

  • Embrace the Unpredictable: Weather changes, plans fall apart, and things break. Lean into the chaos and trust your ability to adapt.
  • Take the Leap: Whether it’s tackling a challenging passage, learning a new skill, or pursuing a dream destination, don’t let fear hold you back.

4. Purpose-Driven Living: What’s Your Code?

Pirates didn’t just rebel for the sake of rebellion. While some of their methods were... problematic. They had a purpose. Their codes weren’t just rules; they were expressions of shared values and mutual respect. For liveaboards, purpose is what keeps the lifestyle meaningful, even when it’s hard.

  • Define Your Why: Why are you living aboard? Whether it’s freedom, sustainability, adventure, or all of the above, keep that purpose front and center.
  • Write Your Own Code: What values guide your life? Put them down in writing. Think of it as your personal pirate charter.

5. Fun and Freedom: Life Is Meant to Be Lived

At its heart, Be More Pirate is about embracing the spirit of fun and freedom that pirates embodied. They worked hard, but they also celebrated their victories, laughed in the face of danger, and savored the open sea. For liveaboards, this theme is a reminder to not take things too seriously and to enjoy the ride.

  • Celebrate Small Wins: Found the perfect anchorage? Made it through a tricky passage? Toast your success pirate-style.
  • Stay Playful: Add a little humor and creativity to your everyday life, whether it’s a quirky boat name, a DIY project, or a sunset dance party on deck.

Be More Pirate, Be More You

Be More Pirate invites all of us, especially those who already live a life of adventure, to embrace a rebellious, values-driven, and purposeful approach to life. For liveaboards, it’s an especially fitting manifesto. You’re already living outside the lines; why not steer your own course with even more courage, collaboration, and creativity?

As Sam Conniff Allende says, “You don’t have to wear an eyepatch to be a pirate.” But it doesn’t hurt to borrow their spirit. So, break a few rules, write your own code, and let your liveaboard journey be nothing short of legendary.

Published on:
December 4, 2024
Written by:
Jessica Depatie is the founder of The Helm. As a documentary producer, sailor, and writer, she explores alternative lifestyles, sustainability, and intentional living.
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